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What is a "service compatible with OpenAI interface"? What is it for?


After OpenAI launched ChatGPT, many relay stations and new AI services appeared. In order to facilitate users who are already using OpenAI, almost all of these services will provide a way to call compatible with OpenAI.

What is it for?

This is just a temporary solution. In the future, 划词翻译 will provide a more intuitive way. You are also welcome to feedback to me the AI services that 划词翻译 has not yet accessed, and I will consider adding them.

1. Use relay services

All relay services are compatible with the OpenAI call method, which means that you can use "services compatible with the OpenAI interface" as relay services in 划词翻译.

Some examples:

  • You want to compare the effect of the official OpenAI interface with the OpenAI interface provided by the relay service.
  • You want to use the Gemini provided by the relay service, but some relay services provide the OpenAI interface when using the Gemini relay, while the Gemini itself is not compatible with OpenAI.

In this case, you can find a "service compatible with the OpenAI interface" (such as Baichuan Big Model), and then configure it as a relay service, so you can compare with the official OpenAI interface or use the relay Gemini.

Refer to the following for the configuration process.

After the configuration is completed, although "Baichuan Big Model" is still displayed in 划词翻译, you are actually using the relay service.

2. Use AI services that 划词翻译 has not yet accessed

New AI services are generally compatible with the OpenAI interface, which means that even if 划词翻译 has not yet accessed them, you can use these new services by configuring "services compatible with the OpenAI interface".

Refer to the following for the configuration process.

3. Compare the effects of different models of the same AI service

For example, OpenAI (ChatGPT) now provides three models: gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4o. If you want to compare the effects of these three models, then you can:

  1. Determine three "services compatible with the OpenAI interface", such as OpenAI (ChatGPT), Baichuan Big Model, Zhipu AI.
  2. Configure these three models separately: (specific configuration method see below)
    • [Mirror Address] Fill in the OpenAI interface address:
    • [Management Key] Fill in the same OpenAI key
    • The [model] of these three services is filled in gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4o respectively

In this way, you can see the effects of the three models after 划词翻译.

How to configure "services compatible with OpenAI interface"

Whether it is a relay service or a new AI service, they will definitely provide three pieces of information:

  • Interface address, such as
    • Note: If only the domain name is given, such as, then you generally need to add the suffix /v1/chat/completions, that is, the real interface address may be
    • It may not end with /v1/chat/completions, it depends on the provider's documentation
  • Key, such as sk-aBcdeFGhiJk=
  • Model name, such as abc-4, abc-4-turbo

With these three pieces of information, you can configure the "service compatible with the OpenAI interface" into the service you want to use. Take Baichuan Big Model as an example:

  1. Open the 划词翻译 settings page (How to open).
  2. Click [Third-party service] in the left menu, then find [Baichuan Big Model], next:
    • [Mirror Address] Fill in the interface address
    • [Model] Fill in the model name
  3. Click [Service Application] in the left menu, then find [Baichuan Big Model], click the [Manage Key] button, click the [Add Key] button in the pop-up window, and fill in the key in the API Key column.
    • Other services may not be called API Key, it may be called Secret Key, API Key, etc., in fact, they are the same.

The configuration is complete. Now in 划词翻译, although it still displays Baichuan Big Model, you are actually calling the relay service or new AI service you configured.

Which services in 划词翻译 are compatible with the OpenAI interface?

Currently, the following services in 划词翻译 are compatible with the OpenAI interface: